Uncovering Miami's Underwater Museum: A Deep Dive into Biscayne's Extraordinary Submerged Art

Unveiling Biscayne's Underwater Marvels

If you're looking for an exciting experience on your Miami trip that's quite literally deep and out of the ordinary, then diving into the underwater museum of Biscayne might be just for you.

Dive into History

Located in Biscayne National Park, the underwater museum is not just a tourist spot, but a testament to history. It's littered with shipwrecks from the 20th century and submerged art installations such as the 'Circle of Heroes' military memorial that all tell fascinating stories.1

Prepare For Your Adventure

Although anyone can enjoy this museum, remember, a swim in the ocean isn't the same as a jump in the pool. So if Jacques Cousteau didn't bestow gills on you at birth, you'll need to plan. Enroll in a scuba diving certification course during your preparation phase.2 Equip yourself with essential diving gear, a good underwater camera and possibly a buddy who just loves being on the underwater.

What to Expect

If the thought of encrusted shipwrecks and underwater art doesn't tickle your water fins, then the aquatic life surely will. These sites are teeming with beautiful and colorful marine life that lives in the coral-adorned wrecks and reefs.

And if you're lucky, you might even spot a manatee passing by. But remember, no petting these chubby mermaids (unless they initiate it of course).3

The Rewards of The Deep

The underwater museum offers more than just visual gains. The adventure and thrill that come along with diving are a far cry from the generic land tourism. Plus, if you're really good, you might find your beach read for the afternoon (just kidding, please leave the relics alone).


1 National Park Service. (n.d.). Diving in Biscayne National Park. https://www.nps.gov/bisc/planyourvisit/diving.htm.

2 PADI. (n.d.). How to Get Scuba Certified. https://www.padi.com/courses/open-water-diver.

3 Fox News. (2013, May 7). First Underwater Veterans Memorial Plaza Complete in Florida. www.foxnews.com/science/florida-underwater-veterans-memorial.